All orders will receive a free empowered takrud bracelet that come from the Wat Weluwan Temple in Thailand while supplies last. We thank you for your support of our mission and wish you great health, strength and power in this Continue reading
All orders will receive a free empowered takrud bracelet that come from the Wat Weluwan Temple in Thailand while supplies last. We thank you for your support of our mission and wish you great health, strength and power in this Continue reading
True Thusness, free of falsehood, is ever silent; Birthless, deathless, it is all pervasive. The realm of the buddhas is also thus; Essentially equal, not increasing or decreasing. Just as ultimate reality has no limit, Is in all times yet Continue reading
Pure Land Permaculture chats Laetiporous sulphureus, aka chicken of the woods mushroom, as well as mushroom harvesting knives and harvesting chicken for the kitchen. If you have a google account, give the Pure Land Permaculture YouTube Channel a subscribe for Continue reading