Organic Wild High Altitude Yellow Maca 100 GRAMS
We get this from a high altitude grower, organic and sun dried, fair trade fresh ground to order, raw and vegan. The high altitude increases the power vital energy in the maca.  This is a wonderful superfood and tonic herb, great for men and women, we love to mix it in smoothies, in baked goods, raw snacks like Maca Bliss Balls (see recipe below), its packed with vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and C, minerals iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium, 12 crucial minerals, 10 vitamins, over 40 fatty and amino acids and 4 unique glucosinolates. It is a great aphrodisiac and energy superfood, we will be having a blend of all three maca powders.
Maca Bliss Balls
  • ½ cup almonds + 15 almonds reserved
  • ½ cup walnuts
  • Pinch salt
  • 3 Tablespoons maca powder
  • 2 Tablespoons raw cacao powder
  • ¼ cup shredded coconut
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ¾ cup Medjool dates, pitted
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 Tablespoon water + more if necessary
  1. Add ½ cup almonds, walnuts and salt into food processor. Blend until very fine, like the texture of sand.
  2. Add in remaining ingredients. Blend again, until mixture begins to thicken and stick together.
  3. Check texture by pinching a bit between your fingers. It should be sticky and able to keep its shape. If mixture is too dry, add 1 Tablespoon more water.
  4. Pour mixture into a mixing bowl. Shape mixture with your hands into golf ball sized balls. Place 1 almond in the center. Serve immediately. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Enjoy!